Budgie Price
– 22:8:2022
It is with immense sorrow
that I post this tribute following the very sad passing of Budgie Price – not
only the co-founder and driving force behind the Avon Roach Project but also,
to me, the bestest best mate in the whole wide world; my soulmate and
As is usual with these
BLOGS, some of the story will be told through the, this time rather abundant,
pictures and captions, but with a slightly different flavour to this main body
copy which covers some of the more personal and non-roach related elements of a
truly extraordinary man.
This is without
question the hardest thing I have ever had to write, and make no apology for the length or the
time it has taken. I needed some time but felt it important to do this
full-blown tribute that can sit here forever, unedited and unformatted to suit
someone else’s layout. And, perhaps strange to say, although painful, it has
been quite cathartic, as was the funeral service itself. A true sense of
passing and beginning, which I know will continue.
Born in 1962, Budgie was married with two, now grown up, children and
ran his own successful building company until a road traffic accident left him
quadriplegic from a spinal injury at the age of twenty-seven. However, despite
his life-changing physical limitations, he always found a way; and literally
overcame and conquered. He was a larger-than-life example to us all; a force of
He was gifted with extraordinary creativity, determination and
fortitude, underpinned with an endearing mischievous humility and was, without
question, one of the most inspiring characters in angling. Nobody who met or
knew him could fail to be enriched by the experience. His achievements are
beyond what most could even dream, and highly acclaimed whether you are a roach
angler or not.
I was with him for his last afternoon at home from where he was taken to
Salisbury hospital. After 10 days in intensive care, he sadly
lost his battle at 1-00am on Monday 22nd August 2022, but even here
not before delivering some ‘typical Budg’ moments, like telling the nurse
assigned to him in ITU she had nice tits…
He spent his final
hours, peacefully, in a side room within the ITU ward, where we were able to
spend some personal, one on one time to say our farewells, some of the most
moving moments of my entire existence, which I shall cherish forever.
What a life? What a
man? What a force of nature? What a legacy? What an honour to have known him
and been a part of that life?
The funeral was held on the 7th September and was quite
literally standing room only to give Budgie a send-off befitting a true legend,
which I was honoured to be a part of, and where I made a promise to him in my
eulogy, which is included here below the pictures, that I would continue what
we started with both the roach and now the barbel gravel spawning substrate
enhancements and that I wouldn’t let him down.
Quite strange to say, but it was the best funeral I have ever attended.
I have never laughed and cried quite so much in one day. It was the perfect
send-off which we all agreed even Budgie would have enjoyed. Plenty of swearing
and loud music, plus a wonderful poem written by his close friend Caroline and
read by the family which is also included here below. It really is not what you
will be expecting: neither was the short film of Budgie which played at the end
of the service. So typically Budg’ and perhaps not for the faint-hearted, I
have transcribed a few extracts at the end of this tribute.
A true reflection of the strength of his character was that despite
being told after his accident that it was extremely unlikely that he would live
past 40, Budgie didn’t tell me until much later and actually committed to the
ten year plus Avon Roach Project plan after his estimated expiry date. He
actually reached 60, during which time he/we achieved a level of Avon Roach
Project success neither of us could have imagined – even revealing stuff new to
science and never recorded before. And
whether or not you believe in all that fate and destiny stuff, something quite
peculiar happened over the years, not only getting us two to collide, but also
throughout the extraordinary events and eventual astonishing success of the
project. Dots were joined and stars aligned; no question. Not only did we
influence the recovery of roach in the Avon with thousands of pure-strain fish
using our own pioneering techniques, but also had a hand in many other
significant associated issues. We helped influence the cessation of the annual
mechanical weed-cut; even attending meetings as sole angling representatives as
recently as a few years ago when it was tabled for reinstatement. We initiated
a considerable number of fry bay excavations and stream reinstatements to
provide fry and juvenile sanctuary, which is ongoing. We remain at the
forefront of predation awareness and management and even organised and
delivered a petition to London – also ongoing. We threw our toys out of our
prams and got an agreement from Natural England that their ridiculous policy of
widespread riparian tree removal would stop, sat on rivers trust committees,
presented at forums and annual conferences, made TV and radio appearances (yes,
I know you can’t ‘appear’ on radio) and even wrote a book. And, Budgie was
there, front and centre, every inch of the way, and not as a spectator.
We did, of course, also
have to go through the pain barrier with some organisations and chest-beating,
egotistic naysayers, and it was Budgie’s vision, determination and
fearlessness, that kept it all, and me, going. I certainly could not have done
it without him… He was a force of nature.
And although worlds
apart in terms of our backgrounds; me a printer and him a builder, we reckon we
ended up with the perfect blend – as long as I did what I was told…
So, it’s nice to think that maybe the Avon Roach Project, and me,
actually contributed to the twenty years of ‘extra time’ he played before the
final whistle blew.
Despite his accident; a
moment in time of unimaginable misfortune that changed his world, Budgie blames
nobody and was never angry or bitter, he simply adapted, as did those around
him. And, given his circumstances, he’d have had every right to take more than
he gave, but he didn’t and what he gave, particularly to the environment, puts
most to shame. Even his own garden was given to wild flowers for the bees and
As if breaking his neck
wasn’t enough to dampen the spirit and focus perspective, Budgie then again
sailed scarily close to death some eight years later by getting septicaemia,
and was given just a 10% chance of survival. So serious was it that his family
were called to the hospital to say their goodbyes – that was 25 years ago…
Still not content with knocking that many times on deaths door, and through
cumulative circulatory related issues, which I’ll not go into here, he needed
both his legs amputated just below the knees; which, spookily, was done exactly
31 years to the very day he’d had the accident that deprived him the use of
them, but was home again from this within less than a week and in typical good
spirits – I reference this in my eulogy below, so won’t spoil it here. So,
without question, it took quite a few direct hits to eventually bring him down.
He was one bloody tough cookie.
I’m not very strong on
spiritual stuff, but respect all who are, and even have my own soulfully
connective moments with lost loved ones and no more so than just recently with
Budg’ where I have symbolically looked skywards and even spoken out loud to
him. I have even heard his voice as we’ve shared a peregrine or kingfisher
moment, which I know will continue to my own last breath.
Perhaps the most moving
was just after I’d delivered the order of service books to the crematorium
reception office the day before the funeral. The venue is situated high on a
hill overlooking Poole Harbour where, having dropped off the box of printing, I
found myself alone and walking along a path towards the stunning service hall. Mid-way
along, I stopped and was bolted to the spot. As I looked, through floods of
tears over the expansive vista, I felt an overwhelming, almost tangible
presence. I could actually feel Budgie sitting next to me where I heard him say…
‘Oooohhhh, mate; just look at that view. What a perfect place for me to
exit.’ I stood sobbing my heart out and answered him out loud… ‘Yes,
mate. Perfect’. We both stood there for what seemed an age drinking in the
peaceful tranquillity. I then turned to leave and again, out loud, said to him ‘See
you tomorrow, mate’.
A month later and while
doing a feature for a magazine at one of Budgie’s favourite places on the Avon;
partly fishing but mainly as a tribute to Budgie, and actually using Budgie’s
rod and reel, and right where we’d often sit and watch our roach spawning, I
was describing to Peter (land owner) and Martin (magazine angler/journalist)
how Budgie always said that if he gets the choice, he’ll come back either as an
osprey (but without the Scotland bit) or buzzard, as they seem to fly for fun;
just open their wings and soar… While telling them we looked up to see the rare
sight of an osprey circling right overhead… It sent tingles up our spines and, as
tears filled our eyes, we all said out loud… ‘Budgie’s here…’
The middle part of this
tribute is a sequence of very carefully chosen symbolic and representative
pictures and words with a slightly softer flavour than above… A very personal potted
history of the project and Budgie and beyond.
Below the pictures are
my eulogy, Caroline’s lovely poem and the transcribed sections of Budgie’s
It was quite mind-blowing, in the early days of the project, as the
roach began using our spawning boards in preference to all natural substrate, and
it was all very good sharing the images with the wider public, but the
profundity of such momentous moments are made even more special when shared
with someone right there with the same childish excitement and on the exact
same frequency, and equally responsible for them happening. And, nobody else on
earth would I have rather experienced it all with than Budgie.
We shared the mud and the mozzies as well as the glory. And mud, ice,
rain or shine, Budgie was there every step of the way. This shot is of us
collecting spawn at a wonderful privately owned location. It became one of our
favourite places, and the owners some of our favourite people.
A very special place where we shared some very special time, sometimes just
feet from spawning roach. It was an honour to experience such a connection and
all through our own inventiveness, something neither of us ever took for
granted or became tired of. This image made it onto the cover of our book, and
was Budgie’s choice.
This was my first choice, but I was overruled and out voted – by one.
Still an extraordinary picture though, and one of thousands of wonderful and
precious moments, caught in time, we shared over many years.
As my garden disappeared under the Avon Roach Project, I admit to having
a few moments of doubt and, thinking back, it was probably good that I didn’t
share Budgie’s vision, as I wonder if I’d have bottled it if I had. That said,
the more daunting and out of control it became for me, the more under control
and even enjoyable it became for Budgie who never flinched and just took it in
his stride. Not sure he’d have quite so readily have done if this is what he
saw from his own kitchen window. |
Budgie’s vision and inventiveness extended indoors as well. Our brine
shrimp hatchery – formerly known as my conservatory, was all built in Budgie’s
head before instructing me on how to put it all together. With so many electric
extension cables all over the place the room ended up like a snake-pit, but he
said ‘it doesn’t matter to me, I’m on wheels’… |
Another of Budgie’s ideas was to get a little camera with an underwater
feature so we could get a better idea of the development of our tiny roach enabling
the brine shrimp cultivation to commence at exactly the right time. This level
of hatching and development was not visible from above. |
Perfectly visible from above, as they grew, were our tiny pink bellied
roach stuffed with brine shrimps… Although just a picture of a load of tiny
fish to most folks, it was images and success like this that really drove us
both. And nobody was more aware of the responsibility we carried for these tiny
lives than Budgie. And, although in my garden, I’m glad I could share the
burden. |
Cross contamination was a serious issue, so we didn’t just dip into the
tanks as just a drop would be enough. However, we did allow ourselves moments
of indulgence of this unique situation. And, although Budgie couldn’t feel his
hand, I did, from time to time, at his request, roll his sleeves up so he could
experience a direct connection. |
This was one of hundreds of happy-snap underwater pictures Budgie and I
would pour over for inclusion on the web site and eventually the book, as well
as for us two, privately, to revel in what was a truly extraordinary experience
– outwardly all grown up but privately like a couple of big kids – very special. |
It’s hard to imagine the impenetrable overgrown expanse behind Budgie
here would eventually become a cleared stretch of flat land holding nine stew
ponds, an Avon-fed stream and a gazillion roach. To me it was another world and
way beyond us – to Budgie it was just a bit of groundwork and all part of the
adventure. |
And this is what Budgie will have had in his head... I simply had to
trust his judgement, which was easier said than done, as he was a crap
communicator and just wanted to get on rather than have to explain. But he
proved time and again on every level that he knew what he was doing – good job,
because I didn’t… He also did the deal on the digger and driver. The digger was
hired from a friend of a friend of his and the driver, who was a supporter of
the project, encouraged to work for nothing as his contribution – with the
promise of the return of his wife and children upon completion… Budgie loved
doing a deal, and could be very persuasive. |
Another of a gazillion pictures of our roach. This one of them being fed
in one of these stew ponds. And again, the time we spent together here and the
indulgent moments feeding and pottering were unforgettable. The poignancy of
images like this is immeasurable in the context of the overall project. |
And this little lot was just a fraction of what we released into the
river each year and, once again, Budgie was with it every inch of the way from
the first sweep of the net in the stew pond to every delivery to the river from
Salisbury to Christchurch. |
The feelings of triumphant satisfaction we both got from depositing
thousands of our roach into the river each year never faded – outwardly steely
calm but inside like jelly. |
We did interrupt the flow, from time to time, to get a few shots of us with
our babies; as we were, after all, potentially making history and wanted to
include images of us in the documenting of it, and this was one of our fave’s. There
was also an underlying urgency in us to get the fish in the river rather than
take pictures, but looking back now, I’m so glad we did. |
Some of these shots of us are truly soul-stirring and the look on
Budgie’s face here says it all – oozing pride and fulfilment… |
And then there were those in between pictures of us, like this one that
just looks like us exchanging a few words once the pressure was off. So, Budgie
said we have to include it on the blog and have some fun with the caption -
which read…
First stocking done and then it starts… ‘One thing I ask you to do - one
thing… Bring the f***ing Hobnobs: and you can’t even get that right…’
By the way, it might look like I’m carrying a few extra lockdown
pounds…I’m not actually that fat in real life…
They say the camera adds at least eight pounds, and we had about four
pointing at us that day. |
Some of the pinpoint-timed shots were wonderful and Budgie and me had
hundreds of favourites that made into our top ten, like this one… |
What we did over the years in such a vast and not easily observed
environment was always going to be subject to conjecture, especially to those stomping
along with glasses half empty. However, our own glasses have been filled to
overflowing by places like this, and many others, where we have seen the roach
population increase from a few dozen to this mind-blowing lot, and beyond,
which we can justifiably claim to have had a hand in. |
Such was the layout of this place; flat and accessible, we could both
get really close. Budgie would get the call from one of the owners and we’d go
along for a delightful summer afternoon of roach, fresh lemonade and
storytelling. Most of all, us two rolling in the scent of our success. |
It was never going to be just about fish, and we got really heavily
stuck in with other issues like habitat reinstatement for fry and juvenile
sanctuary and, it has to be said, our impact over the years was not
insignificant. |
This is a shot of our first fry bay excavation. Effective within hours
according to the river keeper who called to tell us. You can see in the
background the same machine that dug our stew ponds. Budgie believed in
striking a good working partnership with key people which he was very good at. |
The devastating impact of a ridiculous Natural England policy of
removing riparian trees for the benefit of ground-nesting birds threatened the
very existence of our project. These before and after pictures above are taken
from the exact same spot… I’m sure you’ll agree, anyone putting in as much as
we were couldn’t stand by and watch this ecological vandalism continue, so we
threw our toys out of our prams, demanded meetings and had it stopped. As we say
in our book ‘who in their right minds could possibly think this is a good
idea?’ |
Not afraid to tackle even massive countrywide ecological issues, we
addressed the thorny matter of avian predation and particularly the colossal
increase in over-wintering numbers of the non-native European sub-species of
cormorant, carbo sinensis, with a call for the woefully inadequate and
contradictory licensing regime to be changed and for the birds to be placed on
the general license. We organised and delivered a petition to the environment
minister at the time in London and, once again, Budgie was there, front and
centre. This campaign is ongoing. |
And Budgie said of this great picture ‘Even here we got photo-bombed
by these two muppets. We just can’t go anywhere these days’… Seriously, we
were blown away by the support. |
And so, we wrote a book… Having served a life sentence in the printing
trade, it meant we could produce and publish it ourselves and were extremely
happy with the result, as were the many hundreds of lovely folks who bought a
copy. |
Despite being completely alien to Budgie, just as all the building and
project construction stuff was to me, it didn’t stop him enjoying a visit with
me to the printers to see the flat sheets coming off the press. He absolutely
loved it. |
The printers were great and did a fab job on the book. But, in true
Budg’ style, when we were greeted in the factory entrance, he said to the guys ‘OK,
stop staring at my stumps. Surly I’m not the only bloke you’ve printed a book
for with no legs, am I?’ |
The book launch was quite a surreal experience. Despite being partly
hampered by appalling weather and covid distancing restrictions, it was a
fantastic afternoon and we shifted nearly a hundred copies. |
One issue was how Budgie would sign the books, if at all. We discussed
it and decided there were three options. I could either sign on his behalf, put
the pen in his hand and wrap mine around it and do it that way, or do it
himself with the pen in his mouth, as he does birthday cards… He said
‘We’ve done the project together from the start and we have done this book
together, so I am determined to sign every copy myself in the only way I can,
which is with the pen in my gob. So, if you and everyone else are prepared to
be patient with me, that’s how I’d like to do it.’
For those still interested in a copy, we have about four boxes, plus
what’s left in the tackle shops with Budgie signature. |
We did a limited leather edition of 50, which sold out before we’d even
finished binding them. |
It would have been easier for me to drive over to our great mate Chris
Yates with a box of books for him to sign, for those who’d asked, as he did the
foreword, to save Budgie any bother but, instead, we made an afternoon of it
which all three of us agreed was a very special event… We had lunch and discussed
searching issues like the state of the economy, world affairs and how most
effectively to target bluebottles and the postman with a blowpipe. |
Even here while we were collecting auction donations for our annual
fundraiser from Chris, which we did each year, Budgie staged the publicity
picture with his cheeky sense of humour. |
Although, on the face of it, just an ordinary picture of me taking final
instructions at one of our fundraiser doo’s, the hidden side to this is that
Budgie had only been discharged from hospital that same morning, having had a
stent fitted in an artery the day before, following a ‘cardiac incident’
earlier in the week… His fortitude was simply on another level. |
As the project became more successful, we were invited to give talks and
presentations. Not something either of us had ever done, but we accepted and
took the opportunity to spread the word and encourage others to maybe put a
little back… This picture was taken half way up the country and was one of a
number we did this far from home. Not as easy as you might think, as a weekend
away was far from straightforward for Budgie, but he was determined to be a
part of every aspect. |
We were even featured in mainstream newspapers. This one in the Times. |
We were also filmed a number of times for Sky and BBC telly and while we
felt honoured to be asked, when the cameras were gone and we were on our own
and reflecting, we still quietly wondered what all the fuss was about. |
We often pondered and reflected, and our relative success with roach
fuelled a broadening ambition which led to us launching an initiative to
improve gravel spawning substrate in the river for species such as barbel by
simply desilting on a critically timed and site-specific basis by manually
raking, jetting with pumped water or even with possible in-stream habitat
manipulation. A ‘no-brainer’ in Budgie’s words… We put it to the EA who
instantly came onboard in partnership. |
We began with four locations and the difference we made with little
effort was astonishing, as you can see. Not the most inspiring of pictures, but
it was either this or yet another of Budgie and me… This is set to be rolled
out river-wide and even, who knows, countrywide, if folks start recognising the
huge value of improving where it all starts. |
It seemed a natural progression as barbel are another of our favourite
species and the initiative would be fast-tracked with regard consents and
support through our already notable track record in matters of the river. |
A group shot after the first gravel raking, which produced the contrast
shown in the picture above. It was a bit touch and go getting Budgie’s van
across the squelchy meadows, but we had the assurance of the land owner that if
we got stuck, he’d drag us out with his 4x4, which Budgie would have loved. He
always enjoyed any added jeopardy in our adventures… Here he’d just offered to
help but said he’d only wade in up to his knees, which is why we are all in
bits… |
In between all the serious stuff, we loved to get out fishing when we
could, and enjoyed many years of days putting the world to rights and probably
even talked about you… The places, the people, the fish and the fun –
wonderful. And, even here, some of the Budgie antics were simply extraordinary
– some daring and inventive and some as daft as it gets, and I’d happily relive
every second. |
Over the years, as folks got to know Budgie and appreciated his
contribution to the river through the project, we experienced some truly
wonderful gestures of generosity, from complimentary memberships to some
amazing and generous access arrangements.
There were also, quite surprisingly, a few green-eyed, flat-earthers who
insisted on flexing their little muscles and massaging their bruised little egos;
any more stupid and they’d need watering every day; but this is for another day
and not worth contaminating this pure reflection of a superhero. However, I did
promise Budgie that I would continue the fun, as he loved rattling his cattle
prod in the troglodyte hornet nest; particularly the Ringwood-based fishing
club who decided to renege on a long existing arrangement with Budgie and
treble, yes treble his annual membership, bringing it in line with OAP rates,
despite him only being able to access an infinitesimal percentage of the
fishing and despite, most sensible folks in the real world agreeing, having directly
added value to the club membership through his work with the roach project.
This resulted in him sadly having to let his membership go. He was notified in
a letter, which also boasted of the club not having any specific disabled
access to their waters. In later correspondence the club said they support the
project but not the people.
Anyway, the picture above was a world away from this laughable ‘dark
side’ and made possible because of some of these generous
gestures of being given access to a private estate bridge, the riverside path
being levelled and widened in places by generous folks and a special set of
portable ramps being constructed for Budgie to get across the bridge you can
see in the background to a stretch of river probably never before visited by
someone in a wheelchair. |
Defiant and as tough as they get… 60 not out. |
He needed no excuse... |
This intentional misspelling of ‘Lost Count’ with the removal of one
letter, was on an earlier birthday cake, and described as ‘the picture you can
never unsee’ when shown as part of the montage sequence of his life at his
funeral. |
A very proud granddad, with tiny granddaughter Isla. |
What a wonderful moment in time. The apple of his eye, laughing with her
granddad. |
The Prop Forward at full pelt long before the ‘reset’ button was hit…
Despite the unimaginable changes to Budgie’s life, he remained philosophical
and stoical, as well as shocking and mischievously daft. |
I was happy to help out with the printing of the order of service, which
was done for nothing by the guys who printed our book, and I was really chuffed
to have loads of my illustrations used throughout. It was also lovely to hear
that Budgie’s wife Rose and daughter Georgie have had tattoos of the little
kingfisher. I was also particularly moved to be asked to do a short eulogy at
the funeral. Really tough, and I almost made it to the end without spluttering.
You can read this below. |
It’s a huge honour to be asked to say a few words here today –
First thing I thought was I wonder what Budgie would like me to say –
then heard his voice in my head… ‘Mate – try not to trip over anything… and
don’t just bang on about the Roach Project. But, do try and flog ‘em all a
book, if you can keep their attention long enough – if you can’t, then just
pretend to get all choked up and make a run for it…’
So, here goes… Budgie Price – ABSOLUTE LEGEND…
Budgie had an infectious charm, as we all know, and fully earned the
right to his uniquely irreverent, sometimes tangled, outlook.
And while there’s enough stories for another book, I’d like to share
just a few of our typical Budgie adventures, illustrating his unique character,
if I may. …When the grown-ups weren’t looking.
Unquestionably, the most outstanding is, of course, the astonishing
success of the award-winning and ground-breaking Avon Roach Project, which was
a huge part of our lives for over 15 years.
The sheer scale and lunacy of the original concept lent itself to being
dismissed before it had even started. But Budgie doesn’t do dismissed, clear
from the moment he was told, following his accident, to accept his limitations,
which roughly translated in Budgie’s head as ‘tell him it can’t be done and
he’ll show you just how it can…’
I was for the main part ‘voice activated’ which was OK but did come with
its drawbacks, particularly as Budgie had an infuriating way of instructing me,
which would later actually become profoundly soul-stirring... He would
literally operate me; and was infuriating, until I realised he was actually
doing it all himself but with my hands, evident from every push on a saw or hit
of a hammer being matched with movement of his own hands. Once I realised, it
was quite overwhelming, and I never argued again.
Seeing Budgie as just sitting and watching was so far from reality… And
in the case of the Avon Roach Project, it has been hard to get people to see
beyond the lies their eyes were telling them… And was always something Budgie
was far better at dealing with than me. And I stand by what I have always said…
The Avon Roach Project would far more likely have succeeded without me than
He was acutely aware of the passing of possibly limited time so was
always keen to get on and conquer, which, of course, he did, but with an
endearing mischievous humility – often, I’m lucky to say, with me.
Somebody summed him up perfectly recently by describing him as always
having a twinkle in his eye - which is so, so true... As well as an
extraordinary determination, there was devilment in him. Which I was often on
the receiving end of…
This was evident one day when we were fishing and discussing the
construction of filter vessels for our roach tanks. On the way home, he got me
to drive slowly through a village where he revealed his thoughts… ‘Them’s
what we need, mate…’ pointing to people’s glass recycling boxes. ‘We
need to nick about a dozen and fix pipes and pumps. They’ll be perfect for what
we want.’ I said I wasn’t really comfortable with pinching stuff and
besides they have Downton Council printed all over them. He said ‘We can
just sand that off. And anyway, nobody will think to look for them in Ringwood,
especially in your back garden… And, I have thought about it… even if we do get
caught, nobody will think it’s the idea of the boy in the wheelchair, so it’s
you that’ll get carted off to be raped and buggered in jail; which, is a small
price I think I’m prepared to pay…’ He was, of course, joking and just
giving me an idea of what he’d probably already built in his head.
In the real world, wheelchair protocol was handled according to
circumstances and usually with tolerance and humour and I only ever once saw
Budgie react angrily… It was in hospital where tensions were high anyway as
he’d been blue-lighted there five days before one of our annual fundraiser
doo’s – which he did make in the end, by the way.
It happened when a health care assistant asked me, we assume because
she’d seen the wheelchair beside the bed… ‘Would your friend like a cup of
tea or coffee?’ I gestured with eyes and a nod towards Budgie to suggest
she should be asking him… Then, undoubtedly because of the heightened tension,
a spark hit Budgie’s powder keg and he went off… ‘Excuse me, I might be
disabled but I’m not bloody stupid. I’m right here, and if you want to know if
I want a drink, then bloody well ask me. I’m perfectly capable of talking for
myself. And no, I don’t want a drink thank you very much.’
She looked at me and smiled and said ‘I’m really sorry but I’m deaf -
and I have to lip-read - and because your friend is laying down, I can’t see
his mouth clearly enough to see what he said. He can have a cold drink if he’d
rather…’ I smiled back and said – ‘He says he’s fine, but said thank you
very much for asking…’
Last one… and it’s my take on his legs and another example of normal… In
Budgie land…
To anyone else double leg amputation would be monumental; to Budgie it
was an inconvenience with a positive payoff, he said, if he didn’t die from the
So, on the day of the op’, not expecting to hear for a week, I paced and
worried and thought of nothing else – then, while trying to anaesthetise myself
with lager, at about 9-30pm, the phone rang… It was a cheery Budgie saying – ‘Hello
mate. Just letting you know it’s all done… Legs off and sorted and I’m now
three stone lighter…’ And to the question ‘How you feeling?’ he
answered ‘Erm, fuckin’ starving as it goes – Oh, and I might be home Friday,
so why not come over for coffee on Saturday and I’ll show you me stumps?’
Now, I can be a bit sensitive when it comes to Budg’, so after sobbing
my heart out for the first ten minutes of seeing him; he said…
… ‘Right, I’m having prosthetics, which means I’ll be able to wear
shoes, which’ll please Rose. Already know the shoes I’m having - Georgie’s
getting me a pair for Xmas, and I might even be able to have roach printed on
the sides of them, which won’t please Rose. And, what I reckon is size 9’s - I
don’t want big flippers like yours. I want dark hairy ones like an Italian
footballer, and with gaps between the big toe and the others so I can wear
flip-flops in the summer… What do you reckon?’
I couldn’t believe I’d just sobbed my heart out… What a legend; and
typical of how Budgie dealt with the world.
I’d like to finish, if I may, with a few personal thoughts… This could
get messy…
Budgie battled more adversity than any ordinary human could stand in a
lifetime but just got on and conquered. He always found a way and was
astonishingly creative - testament to which is the Avon Roach Project. Nobody
who met or knew him could fail to be enriched by the experience. He was truly
inspirational… A force of nature - as well as being a right pain in the arse
We had our moments, like all close friends, but Budgie was simply the
greatest person I have ever had the privilege to know; made even more special
by being able to call him my best mate. We shared a connection few will
experience - an empathy beyond words.
I loved him… He was my hero… And I told him so, even again in his last
hours. Some of the most poignant and moving moments of my entire existence,
which I will cherish forever.
So, I end with the words I started with – Budgie Price… Absolute Legend…
I promise to continue what we started – and I promise I won’t let you
May peace be with you now my friend… The bestest best mate in the whole
wide world - my soulmate and superhero… Loved and Remembered today – every day
– and for always…
And I know I speak for us all here today when I say… Budgie Price, I am
so glad you happened to me………
Ode to Budgie… by Caroline Diment
This is a poem for Budgie - I call him my old mucker
Sometimes he is my hero - Sometimes a cheeky fucker
He had an awful car crash - He came in just after me
So covered with equipment - It was all that I could
He was quite unresponsive - I’d shout Hi in my best
He had to wake up in the end - He didn’t have much
His lovely wife called Rose - Who was never far away
To love and to support him - Nearly every single day
They had two lovely kids - Mickey four and Georgie
They were so very tiny - They helped us pull him
He had so many visitors - You could barely see his
I invited all the hunky ones - To come see me
He led me into mischief - And kept me up late
So when I went to physio - I just slept on the
He was an early riser - He loved to chat and sing
All the nurses loved him - Took him under their wing
Everyone was lovely - It was the best time ever
When you go through tragedy - It helps when you bond
He had a friend called Dawn - Who was a total star
She went on to have two babies - She even drives a
And then came Martin Savage - What a brilliant guy
We had a special field - To smoke the drugs he’d buy
There was a lad, Paul Patten - His twin sat in his
When his brother stood up - The nurse could only
We were all assigned a primary - Our one and only
His was Janet G******t - It couldn’t get much worse
She was very indiscrete - She couldn’t give a hoot
Budgie was the first one - To give his nurse the
Now we’re both much older - His kids are fully grown
They’ve fled the
feathered nest - Found partners of their own
He’s achieved amazing things - Filled the rivers
full of roach
He’s eloquent and knowledgeable - No subject he
can’t broach
Budgie is a bloody miracle - Cheated death in many
Even had his legs off - Then home again in days
Budgie and Rose have a grandchild - She’s a perfect
But time keeps passing by - There is no way to stop
We’ve lost some valued friends - I love him like no
His importance is immeasurable - Like a sarcastic older
I’m not really very talented - It’s the best poem I
could write
So, I’m pretty sure he’ll tell me - That it’s
absolutely shite
The Kubler-Ross change curve
A few years ago, Budgie
made a little tongue-in-cheek film, which was aired at the funeral, about the ‘Kubler-Ross
change curve’… the five emotions experienced by those facing or who have
narrowly escaped death – denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.
It was a typically
light-hearted personal and very dark-humoured reflection and opened with Budgie
saying to the camera with a deadpan straight face ‘There’s nothing quite
like the surprise of hitting a windscreen at 40mph. Well, that’s what happened
to me’… Budgie always had a knack of grabbing your attention. He then goes
on to his ‘Kubler-Ross’ reaction of denial… ‘I awoke from my coma in
Salisbury Hospital Spinal Unit and realised I couldn’t feel anything from my
armpits down, whereupon I was told’… ‘You’ve suffered a spinal cord injury that
will affect the rest of your life. You’ve broken your neck and will never walk
again’… To which he replied - ‘Well, you can stick your doctorates right
up your arse. I’m a rugby player; a prop forward. And, I haven’t even got a
neck. And, besides, I had my appendix out and was back at work in a fortnight’…
Fast forward to the acceptance bit of his film and in typical Budgie fashion,
he lists the things he would no longer be able to do… ‘Picking my nose,
because I can’t straighten my finger; pulling a wedgie out cos I’d be sitting
on my arse all day and keepy-uppy will be a thing of the past…’
He finishes very profoundly,
which is also typical of Budg’… ‘When we least expect it, life sets us a
challenge to test our courage and willingness to change. At such a moment,
there is no point pretending that nothing has happened or saying that we’re not
yet ready. The change will not wait. Life doesn’t look back and we have no
choice but to accept our destiny’…
We can’t change the
beginning, but we can start from now to influence our own destiny, and
sometimes we’ll have to start again, like Budgie did. So, while Budgie’s
passing is perhaps another beginning for us; there is no question that the
legacy left by this extraordinary man will enrich the lives and destinies of
generations to come.
Budgie was a ‘Prop Forward’
not only in rugby, but also in life…
From a personal
perspective, I can let him go knowing I have nothing I wish I’d said and
nothing more I wish we’d done. That said, I do wish he could have enjoyed the
glory of the Avon Roach Project for longer than he did… We achieved so much and
had fantastic fun along the way through an extraordinary connection and empathy
few will ever experience. So this, my full-blown, unapologetic tribute has been
for what I genuinely consider a true legend.
And so, finally, to my
bestest best mate in the whole wide world, one of the most outstanding
individuals I have ever encountered, I say…
‘See you tomorrow,