We are currently having the BESTEST
YEAR EVER in terms of numbers of fish. We have been absolutely blown away at
the fantastic number of roach we have had in our ‘system’ this year.
So, who knows, we may
actually be getting the hang of this ‘ere roach rearing lark.
We have released more roach
into the river this year than in any other in the projects history. Not only
that, but we have grown more in the tanks this year than ever before – adding yet
another to the regular, long and ever-growing list of lessons learnt from
running this project.
We had to make multiple
trips to the stews with the contents of just two tanks as we didn’t have enough
barrels to take them safely in one hit. What a lovely problem to have. We don’t
mind inconveniences like that though. We’ll put up with those any day.
So, what do we put it down
to? Well, it was a nice summer, and a fairly decent winter; and we’d love to be
able to pour out a load of really interesting theories and ground breaking pioneering
facts and hypotheses, but the actual fact is; we dunno...
It is most likely to be that
we have finally developed the greatest asset we were told we could acquire,
which is ‘Fish Farmer’s Eye;’ a kind of sixth sense enabling us to see, within
our realm, what we could never see through reading books or listening to ‘experts,’
a sense only acquired through experience and the hard knocks from actually living
it day in and day out. We do now take a much more pragmatic approach to growing
fish, it has to be said.
We have a regular
maintenance program of cleaning filters and doing part water changes, testing
this, that and the other and generally ‘fussing’ - we have to with so many
little fish in such a closed environment - but we now do all this on a far less
intensive scale. We used to fret over every casualty, and even tried to revive
the first one we called ‘Findus’ because he was frozen in the ice one winter.
Now we just fish ‘em out and chuck ‘em on the compost heap for the slugs to
suck their eyes out then strip them to the bone.
That said, every single
individual still means the world to us, and the more we can get to one year old
in the tanks each year the better; then the more we can get to three and drop
in the river, even better still, as it means that within a few weeks of their
release they will spawn and add countless thousands of eggs then countless
thousands of tiny new roach to the river. It is, after all, a numbers game as
it is everywhere in nature, and the more eggs that get laid each year, the more
hatchlings there are, the more chance of some of them making it to adulthood
and contributing to the revival of the species in the river.
So far, this time around, we
have delivered a seriously impressive number of roach to four locations. It
started before Christmas; as we needed to get the fish from our stew over at
Verwood as the fishing club lease was due to expire at the end of the year.
These fish were dropped in the Mill Stream at Sopley where Christchurch Angling
Club has recently taken back the fishing.
Then we did a full-on three
day stint in March. We started on Wednesday 18th and delivered a
stew-full of beautiful roach to North End Farm just south of Bickton and above
Ibsley, once renowned for its roach.
Thursday 19th it
was the turn of the Royalty Fishery, and the legendary ‘Cinder Path,’ scene of
many historic roach catches of a lifetime. The roach we released here were a
year older and we know they had spawned in the stew the previous year as we
also netted a number of one year olds – their own progeny.
Then on Friday 20th the
Severals fishery just south of Ringwood received as many roach as we have ever
delivered to one location.
And, that’s not where it
ends. On April 1st, we have SKY telly ‘Tight Lines’ coming along to
do a follow-up film of us netting and releasing the final lot for this year. We
are really looking forward to it. They made a cracking job of the last one we
filmed back in August.
We’ll do a separate update
blog for this with all the details, pictures and links.
All the roach released will
be looking to spawn themselves in the river at the end of April and adding
their contribution to the recovery of the species.
We said in our last main update
that Mother Nature can sometimes be spiteful and unpredictable, and deliver a
nasty sting, but can also give the most breathtaking and overwhelming rewards.
Well, she sure has done just that for us this year.
We are now enjoying the
greatest level of enjoyment and satisfaction, and success, the project has ever
given us along with the knowledge that we are actually making a real difference.
Even though we have been feeding them and looking after
them for years, the moment the net is drawn close is as tense as it gets.
Nobody utters a word or even breathes.
Then as we see this little lot, the most enormous collective sigh of relief is exhaled.
As the roach are scooped up in nets and dropped in the barrels, the reality of what we are achieving starts hitting home.... again.
And they just keep coming.
A very proud and contented Trev poses with the first net-full for North End – the first of countless scoops of prime Avon roach to be deposited over the coming days.
Of course we have to have a close-up and a cuddle.
And away they go.
Our great mate Jim Allan then joined in with Trev to continue the delivery to the river.
A brace of Hampshire Avon Roach. Not such a rarity any more.
The last few stragglers get emptied into the net.... More than just a few though, eh?
Then it was off to the Royalty Fishery who, like everyone else in the valley including fishing clubs, syndicates, businesses and land owners, have shown fantastic support for the project. Southern Fisheries MD, Jason Lewis, joined us for the release. These roach, now at four years old, should deliver a huge amount of spawn to the system later in April.
Trev, Budgie and Jim Allan get close up with some Royalty roach.
Jason does the honours with the delivery of the first net-full.
Jim gets another cuddle from a plump Royalty Redfin. You can see the difference in size compared to the three year olds.
Friday we were at Severals and the light was perfect for a shot of the roach in the barrels.... Either that or there were so many, they all just got squeezed out to the edges.
We were joined by Ringwood and District Anglers Association's Phil Nixon and Stuart Kingston-Turner of the EA |
Again, we were blown away at the number of roach we were delivering to the river.
Net-full after net-full of perfect Avon Roach.
Trev begins the Severals delivery.
It’s almost impossible to describe the feeling of pride at seeing all these perfect roach go pouring back into the iconic Avon; the place of their birth, and where they belong.
What a sight... What a feeling...
Once again, Jim jumped in to lend a hand.
And, once again, got a cuddle from a ‘Severals Sparkler.’Just look at it. How PERFECT is that?
The last few Avon Roach Project babies slide gently from the barrel and into the river.
A very happy Trev.
With the EA assistance and expertise it means the stress level is almost zero and we can have some fun..... So we formed a band – not exactly Take That...
A rare picture of us all together. The man on the left spent most of the day on the other side of the camera. He is Dickie Howell and is one of the projects greatest assets at the moment. He comes along and helps us at Bickton every week. He is an absolute star.
Once the adults are in the river, the stews become available to receive the one year olds from the tanks, and this year has surpassed all others in terms of numbers of fish we have managed to grow in the tanks. This scoop says it all really. Once the tanks are emptied of one year olds they then become available for scrubbing clean and making ready for the next lot of spawn – and so our year begins a new cycle, but with a top-up of knowledge and experience, and renewed vigour... hopefully.
A barrel of ‘Roach Soup’ from one of our tanks.
A close up of what hopefully will blow our minds in two years time, like this year’s lot just have.
As the years go by, inevitably,
we get a little better at it all and much more relaxed and casual, but the
fantastic help and support we get from the EA Fisheries guys with the nettings
and releases means that the stress is almost completely removed and what used
to be a highly charged, tense and anxious time can now be enjoyed and savoured
as one of the highlights of our year – which is how it should be; and some
reward for all the hard work and dogged determination.
But, we still sometimes have
to pinch ourselves...
We also have to single out
and give our sincere thanks to great mate Dickie Howell who helps out at
Bickton every week. He enables and encourages so much and is great company and
not afraid to put in a hard days graft. We only have to keep him topped up with
chocolate biscuits and he leaps about all day like a fifty nine year old...
At the outset of our project
we were very guarded about how much information to give, and how much of our
own trumpet blowing to do for fear of shooting ourselves in the foot should we
fail to deliver what we have in our dreams to do, which, as you know, is to
assist a healthy recovery of our beloved Avon roach.
Well, how times have
Not only can we boast about
seeing far greater numbers of roach at our spawning boards year on year, but
can boast a ‘possible’ connection with where folks are now catching them again
after years of them being absent.
There are even reports of a
sprinkling of roach being seen between our stockings, which are likely due to migration
or displacement in high water. There will also be an element of repopulation
and colonisation through larval drift.... which is all part of the ‘master
The first fish we stocked
will have spawned within a month or so of their release, and the survivors of
that spawning should now have spawned themselves, but who knows where, meaning
we are already into a second generation which will be added to each year as
another batch reaches adulthood and joins in. This will also continue to be
added to with the adults we release annually.
Don’t you just love it when
a plan comes together?
Signing off now, we would
like to thank everyone for the ongoing amazing support and continued belief in